Sew Love
Sewing and spirituality are my Sunday themes to ease into creativity and inner connection. I have exciting plans to paint an image as a gift, listen to a sermon by my uncle, roll out that yoga mat for a stretch and of course hit the gas on my sewing machine. I have begun to fill my days with things that make my heart happy.
I am learning what it means to do the things that are just for fun. My auntie Juliana gave me the greatest gift as a child and that was to learn to play and create. She always had fun activities to keep us connected to our hands that activated the mind.
I am committed to my letter writing habit with a birthday and Valentines day card lined up. Next I plan to schedule dates do to nourish relationships. I am so thankful for what feels like a second chance of living a rich life. I hope you too are able to make space for happiness today through creative exploration.