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Sometimes the heart knows what the mind tries to ignore. On Saturday, I had planned to work on building the new SEW BROMO membership training and record the SEW MONEY podcast, but something deep inside of me said, "No." I called my friend Diah, whom I met in Bali when I was starting my business, to figure out what was going on in my head.

I explained how Elsa Fitzgerald, the brand I had built in Bali had been put on the back burner for many years while SEW BROMO received all of my energy. Earlier this year, even after announcing that I would reboot the fashion brand, I still hadn't had time because I was busy rolling out the membership and online courses. I think deep down, I felt mad at myself for deferring my dreams once again.

My friend noted, "Stacy, you are good at so many things, but ultimately you have to decide what you want." I decided to put SEW BROMO on the back burner and rebuild Elsa Fitzgerald. I messaged the program members and let them know I would be canceling upcoming sessions.

"If you don’t build your dreams, someone else will pay you to build theirs." – Tony A. Gaskins Jr.

Never feel bad about changing your mind if you are making a choice that aligns with your heart. I am done living for the industry; now I am going to live to love fashion in my own unique way.

This will be the last post on the SEW BROMO platform. If you want to learn more and/or follow along, all activities will now take place on the Elsa Fitzgerald platform: website, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, etc. I will continue to blog on the regular schedule but under the fashion house. I encourage you to find your true north and build a lifetime loving your natural light. I am no longer nervous—just feeling a burden lifted as I get on with doing what I really want, without worrying about what others need or want. I’m not sure why I didn’t do this sooner, but today, I start building my own dreams.

I am finding myself returning to the Bali Fashion Dream blog to source images, but as I do I am finding the connection to the magical world I had designed. Perhaps I did not not fully understand how magical what I had created actually was, but now with years and experience I am much more equipped to grow Elsa Fitzgerald.

This was a day when my sister Juliana and Victoria travelled to the Northern Region of Bali and we stayed in a place called Lovina. I am so glad I lived these experiences because it was the right place and time in my life to live a Bali Fashion Dream.

I was also really learning what it meant to design fashion I loved and not what the market demand revealed through data driven research. The irony is that I went to school to learn all these things, but had to unlearn a great deal to tap into my own creativity.

This was one of the first version of the Daisy dress with Septi.