Driving Dreams

I don’t care how many times you have to stop and start this dream, but I need you to begin. I also need you to keep going. Do not talk yourself out of each step saying things that leave you in doubt. This is your once in a lifetime moment to show up and so let’s make it count. Let’s put aside the reasons it won’t work and let’s just do the work. Don’t let the noise of the world cloud the judgment of your heart. Let your inner magic win.

If you are going through a hard time, then it is even more reason to set your eyes on your dream’s north star. For it will help to pull you out of the fog and start to find the hope that will open that book. You have got to trust in yourself that you are stronger than your desire to stop. Life is not to be careless with time. It is about caring for the mind and aligning your values with your actions. Small steps lead to vast mountains tops.

I know my next important step is to start sewing. To wrangle my mind into understanding we are friends and we have got an exciting life to bring forth. This is a team effort with myself. It does not matter how many years I have said, I will begin to make my own garments instead of me designing and others making. I am not holding back and I am pushing forward to live the life of my dreams full of fashion fun and so much joy.

Do you know I sold my treadle sewing machines? I just felt that am I really going to make the time? I have been so busy and have not bothered so the machines would be better with someone who could love and care for them. Here I am wearing the Elsa Fitzgerald Daisy Dress. Photo Credit: Pat Bourque

I even found veterans of the industry who were willing to teach me. I would meet Calvin on Tuesdays and Thursdays after factory hours and he would teach me a lot of hand sewing. Sadly Calvin is no longer with us, but he is in my heart and hands when I sew with the methods he taught me.

I got caught up in the Needle Trades district that is seen here as completely empty in 2021 when we started this work. Geez when I look at this image it does remind me as to how far the work has come. The floor is completely filled with sewing machines singing and an industry buzzing. That in a way was one big dream that we brought to life. My own creative practice in fashion is taking the driver’s seat and we are going to get growing.

The last time I meant to sew I had planned to remake these two vintage dresses. They are in a box somewhere in the garage. Despite the delay, I will start back on the sewing trail because this is something that is in my heart. Time to find my tools and those two dresses.