Lightning Strikes

Say no to the things that are nice, but do not align with your path. It is so easy to get side tracked for various reasons, but now is the time to stay laser focused. It is easy to waffle through time, but years will pass and you will wonder where the dream went. It has been waiting on the road you ignored many miles back. If you need to turn around to reroute yourself then go right ahead, but stop grabbing at a life that was not meant for you.

It will not be easy to calibrate the mind with methods that will keep from guessing, but you have the power to move mountains if you tried dancing to your own song. The words and wisdom are always whispering asking you to give them a lifetime to love. These early mornings have become my haven for the magic to begin. A place where there is silence and peace. I can hear my joy returning to my soul, while my dog sleeps comfortably next to me as I continue to write.

I have muffled my inner voice to conform to what I thought I should be, but I have realized that the gift of life is that we have a choice. We can in fact change course, we can build our dreams bigger and live and love out loud. We don’t have to stay small, we can expand our imaginations out and we can share a love for our passions that are contagious. So glow into the light that has been holding you back and shine so bright that others can see their own. You have arrived to yourself at just the right time so create that magical life today.

In Bali wearing the first custom made Kebaya I ever designed. I was attending a Balinese wedding.

Here in my garden in the garment district of Bali, where a dress I purchased while I was on holiday a few years before moving to the island.

When I arrived back to the USA with my Elsa Fitzgerald dresses and international fashion experiences, I could finally fully see the beauty of the city. Perhaps that is how I feel about this fashion dream now, I embrace all sides to it and reach for what I love and will nourish to grow.

Oh how I love Madison house I feel that it is the most beautiful fusion of my life in England and old world wealth in Baltimore. This vintage Hutzler hat I bought at an antique shop along with the entire outfit.