Personal Trainer
Just sit with yourself for a while and listen to the calling that your heart is longing for you to explore. Do not ignore the various impulses that ask you to play instead of working all day. There is time to skip rocks and get yourself out of mental knots. To normalize suffering is a disservice to life.
I finally got on the phone with a friend yesterday. I have not been the best with friendships and family as I have just been mentally busy. I see the early mornings as a set-up for accountability, but now I will also nourish friendships that will start with a call on my evening drive home.
Happiness and success is not a given, rather it is a garden we must cultivate and water. When we build habits that serve a harmonious daily routine, shifts will begin to form in alignment with joy. Do not get caught up in the frustrations but rather create a strategy that keeps you walking towards your destiny.
A year or so ago, I started artist dates with myself where I would plan an itinerary of antique malls, fashion exhibitions and library visits. Here I am visiting the Peale Museum for the Posen exhibition.
During my antique mall shopping, I would collect heritage sewing equipment for my sewing room.
I really do love writing letters, not for a special occasion but for any day. I imagine a friend or family member going on their day and they open their mailbox to see that someone is thinking about them. I am also obsessed with old school tools like my quill, ink and wax seal with lovely old world paper.
This was a lovely day with Nicole and my sister, we jumped in the car and made our way to the trail. It was part photoshoot. These days, I am gong to focus non-work fun time to rest the mind.