Progress Pillars
This is the part when I start questioning the process. We are launching the Fashion Innovation Hub learning community and have completed the fourth episode of the Fashion Heritage Needle Trades Show. It may feel like there is only dirt, but progress and transformation must germinate.
The writing aspect of my creativity has stabilized. Morning blogs are normalized and the next pillar is design followed by sewing. I have formed three pillars of fashion fun. These are the things I will hold myself accountable to in order to move the needle forward.
The mind loves the rabbit hole for you can remain lost in your doubts. What are your pillars for progress? These are the three things you will do everyday rain or shine. How will you keep those commitments daily with short-win activities?
The Fashion Heritage Needle Trades Show was something that just excite me. I wanted to share my interest in these old heritage sewing machines and fine needle work methods. We filmed the first episode and then just left it.
We also started to film sewing courses at Madison house with old heritage sewing equipment, but did not wrap up the programming with the final edits because we go called to the Needle Trade’s district.
There is still a collection of beautiful lace fabrics waiting to be sewn into fine Elsa Fitzgerald fashion.
This is one of the books I had purchased while in Indonesia around the textiles. I am going to give my journey the freedom to expand and form what it desires to become through my passion grounded in pillars of progress. I am cheering you on too! The world needs you to build your dreams.