Fashion Magic
Go on that adventure through the fields of your bliss. The things that make your heart skip towards a happy beat. So often we deny ourselves the activities that make life rich and wonder why we feel so disconnected. I ask you to take a stand towards the full embodiment of yourself.
A friend commented that “you seem to be doing a lot of things” and they support me but are uncertain how I will go on to do so much. Often you have to block out the noise to hear you inner voice, the one that is guiding you to your inner alignment. It is hard when it comes from family and friends who care.
I am too old and too young to live someone else’s ideal. I would rather be completely wrong and have to turn back rather than wondering at the end of my life, what if I had been more brave? I take complete and full ownership of my happiness and that will require me to stand in my truth even when it is only giving me clues.
I cannot tell you how many times I have started and stopped my own sewing journey. If I would just stick with it and show up to it regularly that process would certainly be found. Today is a new day, so later this evening I will pull out my featherweight sewing machine and start practicing.
I am so proud of Jill Andrews! Look at the beautiful dress she has started making since our list visit.
We had so much fun making the Fashion Heritage Needle Trades Show. Enjoy watching this wonderful episode below.
We are making the final edits to the Fashion Innovation Hub logo for the online learning portal for Global fashion founders.