Shape Shifter

Progress takes time. Often when I launch something new I desire to see the results and question whether it will work and then back out too soon. Everything that stands takes strategic implementation. Just because you put something you care about out in the world it does not mean it will land right away.

Often you must see the work from various angles to understand how you will create visibility yet space to shape shift into your most effective self. I sketched a dress design, it was my second in some time and it was not great. But that was not the point. My goal is to sketch one dress every night before bed so I get the creative muscle moving.

I require myself to open my beautiful reference design books and look at the various shapes and lines. My illustration skills will improve and in time, I will also find a great number of dresses I can reference for the collection. Give yourself space to create in a way that has the freedom to explore and new ideas to form.

I am standing with Ibu Nuri Augur the founder of the Art of the Kebaya Maryland. I was her apprentice for the Maryland State Arts Council - Folklife Apprenticeship program where I learned to make the kebaya I am wearing here.

Here I am in the Indonesian village with my older sister Grace, I am wearing yellow my mom in blue with glasses on my left and my dad the tall guy on the far left with glasses.

I always try to visit a textile museum and botanical gardens when I visit cities in Asia. Here I am in Kuala Lumpur in the botanical gardens after visiting the textile museum writing a blog for Bali Fashion Dream.

I found my love for storytelling for film in Asia. This is in Sanur, Bali Indonesia. I look forward to growing this interest.