Sketching Days

I pulled out the sketchbook and started to draw. I am rusty in that it had probably been a few years since I intentionally sketched a garment. I have always encouraged founders to create many reference illustrations and to land on the one most likely to succeed concept. Then launch and learn by going to market to test the concept.

Yet, I also believe in the power and purpose of creativity as a muscle one must exercise constantly. So I will sketch one garment a day for fun. I have taken fashion far too seriously and it is time to feel the excitement and magic of the imagination. Tonight after the business of the day I will craft the concept for my first podcast and will draw a fashion design before bed to relax the mind.

It not about being busy and doing too many things. It is about doing the things that are interesting and exciting that move your days into a dance between curiously fun elements of the world through work. I trust in the magic and beauty that happiness can sew and I also know I have a big part to play with the inner work.

A few years back in the studio wearing the Kebaya suit with my teak colored Kebaya I named Teuku Umar after the street I lived on in Bali, Indonesia.

I had designed this formal Kebaya when I was in a natural dyes program with MICA.

This was my Duchess of Baltimore reference inspiration Board. I will use this when I am looking for inspiration for my sketches.

The dress I designed last night inspired by the Kebaya of course and a bit of vintage Christian Dior.