Textile Trails

I don’t want to type today, but I will type anyway. I had another one of those mental battles. One where I could not talk myself out of the emotional frustration. Last night I was meant to gather the things for the photoshoot and film, but I instead ate a box of Valentine’s Day chocolate and drank some French red wine.

I had some discouraging things happen yesterday and I am struggling to process them. Nothing too major but, I did have to stop typing this morning. I started my meditation early, made some brown toast with cheese and listened to some nice music. Then I returned to the computer and let go of the mental hold.

Just one hour ago, I was talking myself out of the shoot. I am happy to report, I am running a bit behind but will get my items ready. Do not let your emotions and mental strain hold you back from the things you love. It is always a choice to pull yourself back on track. Don’t let the silly games of the mind win.

Returning to the fashion travels to Asia where I am wearing the Kebaya suit at a fashion exhibition in Singapore.

We visited several museums. This one had a an exhibition on the Kebaya.

While in Bali, we had custom made Kebayas made for a teeth cutting ceremony.

This was from my original inspiration boards of the Kebaya.