Life Lived
Begin to breathe and live the things you love. Not sure why this happens, but often we live without the joys of life. We put off our passions, hobbies and dreams for a day we never receive. Not because we could not have these things, but rather we have not chosen them. By not investing in the things that matter we leave behind a part of happiness unrealized.
I need reason and logic to justify the time spent and usually that is rooted in business and productivity marks. But as I explore the passions left abandoned I do not worry about what that work is meant to form. I ignore the silly voice in my mind talking me back from taking the plunge. I dive in and swim far into the lake and I look back onto the land to see I was standing in quick sand.
Never give up until life stops on those things that you cannot explain but light you up and must be given your attention. Like a joyful child asking you to play, put that computer away and become the person that does the things that truly matter. I am now naturally waking 15-mins before 5AM with the impulse to write. It has become a very pleasant part of my morning routine. Trust the answers that are calling you home to be you.