Pushing Back
My hands are stained with ink from the previous mornings writing. I have pulled out my quill and old world papers. I used to love writing notes about life to friends and family near and far. It has been on my list, but I have been getting distracted and honestly it just takes time: from the quill to balancing ink levels manually to melting the wave to seal.
This morning it is was hard to rise, I am an hour late from my usual time. But I press on, it is amazing that despite the routine there is still a desire to say in bed to forgot the track and get sidetracked. My brain is tired from the resistance I found trying to do the things I love. There is a great deal of irony, where one must continuously overcome the battles with the self.
This is the year that I will not give in to that tempting offer and decide it's far easier to just give in. Sometimes, we have to break things in order to make them work within ourselves. I must understand that rationalization is just a lie, and that I am not better for forgetting about it. Instead, doing this one small step every day is the most essential part of a longer journey toward my life’s work.