Mindful Regulation

Keep those promises you make to yourself. The ones that keep you steady on track, moving in the direction of your heart’s desires. It is about these little commitments that stack up to the big results. Start with the three you will do everyday. For me it is to rise early write a post, meditate and journal. You cannot waiver, nor rationalize out of these self-regulatory systems.

For they set the foundation for all the other decisions the other reasons that you begin to opt out of dreams. Your dreams are the north star to the life and actions that you align all the efforts and ambitions you are moving towards. So when you sit this one out you are getting off the exit too soon. You are slowing the evolution process for the things that you want.

If you do not show up today, that is ok. Try again tomorrow, everyday is a reset. A next step toward becoming the most full and abundant version of yourself, so remember you are the only one who is accountable to your life. So let’s make it count.

Today I woke early and wrote this post. It feels good returning to myself. This journal to the world to say we can do this together. That fighting to be one’s true self is not easy but we are worth it. I have to say after getting up and showing up my heart feels good that I am doing this for me. All the things that I know bring life to that creative heart that longs to sing.

I used to like running for fun, but then I lost the joy with crazy ultra runs for a cause. Yesterday, I pulled the treadmill out of the garage and I ran 6km while listening to entrepreneur online courses. I probably could have kept running, but was glad that after running I felt happy. So I will now work on a schedule for consistency.

Being out in nature and hiking is another one of my joyful activities. I do walk in the forest on the farm, but I like seeing different trails and catching up with friends. So that is on my list to do once a month.

This is an image of a day when my sister and I walked on the coast of Bali, I remember this day very well when I was pushing my boundaries to see what was possible. It was done with ease, conviction and determination. That is the way I want to play on the dance towards this dream this year.