Morning Light

This is the part of the movie I love, when the leading lady stops playing the victim song and begins to fight. She starts doing all the right things to achieve the results she had in her grasp all along. The tides begin to change because she stood up. She stopped letting life knock her down. She gathers the clues and finds her inner power.

She charges onward toward that light she held dark and allows the winds to enter as she begins to sing the song her heart has known all along. She climbs towards her greatest extremes. She sees points where she has fallen and spots where she has cried, but they would not distract her this time. She focuses on the mission and grabs hold of each inch as it gets hard.

Her muscles began to ache complaining that it is time to stop. But today she ascends heights she did not think possible. She has broken the spell that kept her far behind. Through the darkness she knew that the light for which she sought was right on the other side. Doubt faded and conviction entered just in time for miraculous sunrise.

This was the first volcano I had every climbed. it was in Bali, Indonesia at the top of Gunung Batur at sunrise. It was so magical and I recall moving so quickly and finding a sense of connection to strength. I had even went on to climb Gunung Agung the highest peak on the island for my 30th birthday.

It is amazing how much we focus on arriving at the summit when most of the time we are climbing. The summit is but a brief celebration before you then turn back. I do like to truly honor where I stand. I welcome courage to take my hand to lead me on to the next climb in the distance.

I am so excited to check off my box that I am finally launching the SEW BROMO - Fashion Innovation Hub online learning portal. This has been something that I have been wanting to do for about a year. I had the program content but was letting the technology hold me back. I am happy to report that the Masterclasses have all been filmed and next up they will be loaded up for students to access this weekend.

This is a sketch of a logo I made some time ago. I pulled it back out updated and sent it on to the graphic designer. In this shot I just finished filming and took off my hat and leaned back in my chair as the afternoon sun came in through the window. I am glad that this content will help others to start their educational journey to building their fashion dreams.

Stacy Stube